A static site generator
when I decided to start blogging, it was mostly for me to learn and remember all tech thing I learnt throughout time.
I also want to explore a wide diversity of technology, not focus on a particular one.
Hence to start blogging, I obviously needed a static site generator.
Many of them exist already, like Hugo for example, however rewriting one from scratch is typically the kind of exercise I want to throw myself into.
The advantage of a static site is clearly its loading speed : a simple html file, combined with a small licked css, and a whole new blog is born
Anyway, writing this static site generator from scratch is also the perfect excuse to explore a not so widely know technology to manipulate text files.
Introduction to AWK
AWK, from the intials of its creator, is an old an powerful text file maniulation. Syntactically close to C, it is a scripting language to manipulation text entries.
Its wikipedia page sums up nicely its story.
I thought it was clever to use is for a site generator, to parse markdown files and generate html ones.
However, according to this listing of static site generator programs, another one has had the same idea.
Hence, the following, as well as my code is heavily inspired by Zodiac (even though the repo has not been touched for 8 years).
Parsing markdown
Following the official syntax, is a good start for a parser.
AWK works as follow : it takes an optional regex and execute some code between bracket, as a function, at each line of the text input.
For example :
/^#/ {
print "<h1>" $0 "</h1>"
Although `$n` refers to the n-th records in the line (according to a delimiter, like in a csv), the special `$0` refers to the whole line.
In this case, for each line starting with `#`, awk will print (to the standard output), `<h1> [content of the line] </h1>`.
This is the beginning to parse headers in markdown.
However, by trying this, we immediatly see that `#` is part of the whole line, hence it also appear in the html whereas it sould not.
AWK has a way to prevent this, as it is a complete scripting language, with built-in functions, that enable further manipulations.
/^#/ {
print "<h1>" substr($0, 3) "</h1>"
In the example above, as per the documentation
it returns the subtring of `$0` starting at 3 (1 being `#` and 2 the whitespace following it) to the end of the line.
Now this is better, but we now are able to generalized it to all headers. Another function, `match` can return the number of char matched by a regex,
and allows the script to dynamically determine which depth of header it parses. This length is stored is the global variable `RLENGTH`:
/^#+ / {
match($0, /#+ /);
print "<h" n-1 ">" substr($0, n + 1) "</h" n-1 ">"
Reproducing this technique to parse the rest proves to be difficult, as lists for example, are not contained in a single line, hence
how to know when to close it with `</ul>` or `</ol>`
Introducing a LIFO stack
Since according to the markown syntax, it is possible to have nested blocks such as headers and lists withing blockquotes, or lists withing lists, I came with the simple idea to track to current environnement in a stack in AWK.
Turns out it came out to be easy, I only needed a pointer to track the size of the lifo, a fonction to push an element, an another one to pop one out :
env = "none"
stack_pointer = 0
# Function to push a value onto the stack
function push(value) {
stack[stack_pointer] = value
# Function to pop a value from the stack (LIFO)
function pop() {
if (stack_pointer > 0) {
value = stack[stack_pointer]
delete stack[stack_pointer]
return value
} else {
return "empty"
The stack does not have to be strictly declared. The value of inside the LIFO correspond to the current markdown environment.
This is a clever trick, because when I need to close an html tag, I use the poped element between a `</` and a `>` instead of having a matching table.
I also used a simple `last()` function to return the last pushed value in the stack without popping it out :
# Function to get last value in LIFO
function last() {
return stack[stack_pointer]
This way, parsing lists became trivial :
# Matching unordered lists
/^[-+*] / {
env = last()
if (env == "ul" ) {
# In a unordered list block, print a new item
print "<li>" substr($0, 3) "</li>"
} else {
# Otherwise, init the unordered list block
print "<ul>
<li>" substr($0, 3) "</li>"
I believe the code is pretty self explanatory, but when the last environement is not `ul`, then we enter this environement.
This translates as pushing it to the stack.
Otherwise, it means we are already reading a list, and we only need to add a new element to it.
Parsing the simple paragraph and ending the parser
I showed examples of lists and headers, but it works the same way for code blocks, blockquotes, etc.. Only the simple paragraph is different :
it does not start with a specific caracter. That is, to match it, we match everything that is not a special character.
I have no idea if this is the best solution, but so far it proved to work:
# Matching a simple paragraph
!/^(#|\*|-|\+|>|`|$| | )/ {
env = last()
if (env == "none") {
# If no block, print a paragraph
print "<p>" $0 "</p>"
} else if (env == "blockquote") {
print $0
AS `BEGIN`, AWK provide the possibilty to execute code at the very end of the file, with the `END` keyword.
Naturally we need to empty the stack and close all html tags that might have been opened during the parsing.
It only is a while loop, until the last environement is "none", as it way initiated :
env = last()
while (env != "none") {
env = pop()
print "</" env ">"
env = last()
This way we are able to simply parse markdown and turn it into an HTML file.
Parsing in-line fonctionnalities
For now we have seen a way to parse blocks, but markdown also handles strong, emphasis and links. However, these tags can appear anywhere in a line.
Hence we need to be able to parse these lines apart from the block itself : indeed a header can container a strong and a link.
A very useful function in awk is `match` : it literally is a regex engine, looking for a pattern in a string.
Whenever the pattern is found, two global variables are filled :
- RSTART : the index of the first character matching the *group*
- RLENGTH: the length of the matched *group*
For the following, `line` represents the line processed by the function, as the following `while` loops are actually part of a single function.
This way `match(line, /*([^*]+)*/)` matches a string surrounded by two `*`, corresponding to an emphasis text.
The `*` are espaced are thez are special characters, and the group is inside the parenthesis.
To match several instances of emphasis text within a line, a simple `while` will do the trick.
We now only have to insert html tags `<em>` are the right space around the matched text, and we are good to go.
We can save the global variables `RSTART` and `RLENGTH` for further use, in case they were to be change. Using them we also can extract the
matched substrings and reconstruct the actual html string :
while (match(line, /*([^*]+)*/)) {
start = RSTART
end = RSTART + RLENGTH - 1
# Build the result: before match, <em>, content, </em>, after match
line = substr(line, 1, start-1) "<em>" substr(line, start+1, RLENGTH-2) "</em>" substr(line, end+1)
The case of url is a bit more deep as we need to match two groups : the actual text and the url itself.
No real issue here, the naïve way is to match the whole, and looking for both the link and the url within the matched whole.
This way `match(line, /\[([^\]]+)\]\([^\)]+\)/)` matches a text between `[]` followed by a text between `()` : the markdown representation of links.
As above, we store the `start` and `end` and also the whole match :
start = RSTART
end = RSTART + RLENGTH - 1
matched = substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH)
It is possible to apply the match fonction on this `matched` string, and extract, first, the text in `[]`, and last the text in `()`
if (match(matched, /\[([^\]]+)\]/)) {
matched_link = substr(matched, RSTART+1, RLENGTH-2)
if (match(matched, /\([^\)]+\)/)) {
matched_url = substr(matched, RSTART+1, RLENGTH-2)
As the link text and the url are stored, using the variables `start` and `end`, it is easy to reconstruct the html line :
line = substr(line, 1, start-1) "<a href="" matched_url "">" matched_link "</a>" substr(line, end+1)
The inline parsing function is now complete, all we have to do it apply is systematically on the text within html tags and this finished the markdown parser.
This, of course, is the first brick of a static site generator, maybe the most complexe one.
We shall see up next how to orchestrate this parser to make is a actual site generator.
The code is available in the repo.